Quick Last Minute Valentines

We’ve somehow made it to mid-February and if you’re anything like us you just came out from a cloud of chaos to realize this weekend is Valentine’s Day. If you have kids in school a blanket of panic might have come over you when you realized that means tomorrow is the classroom Valentine’s Day party. It’s okay. We promise. Take a few deep breaths because once again Savvy Chic Avenue has come to the rescue! While of course you can always make a pit stop on the way home to pick up a bag of candy and a box of Valentines. Or you can put your printer to work so it doesn’t look like you waited to the last minute to prepare your kid’s cards. That’s right we’ve found a list of adorable Valentine’s Day printables. They’re super quick with just a few clicks but they still give off that, “No I didn’t wait to the last minute. I put time and effort into these,” vibe. Hey, you don’t have to work hard to be chic!


by Pizzazzerie.com


by PositivelySplendid.com


by NestOfPosies.com

Have a few left over? Surprise your coworkers or friends with one!

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